Moshi for Educators Brand Refresh


01. The Challenge

Moshi is expanding beyond schools as it grows, so the name is changing from "Moshi for Schools to "Moshi for Educators". The old logo included a character from the app (SleepyPaws) and was difficult to adapt and use across all platforms and partnerships. The Head of Schools wanted a logo design and direction that was simple, aligned with the recent overall Moshi rebrand and still recognizable as a subsidiary of Moshi.

02. The Strategy

I removed the character and started over with just the Moshi logo. I also wanted to keep the logo as one-color because many of the Moshi for Educators lesson plans and activity sheets are printed in grayscale. I used the collegiate-like banner shape to contain the words "for Educators". The wave warp of the banner compliments the flow of the custom lettering in the Moshi logo while adding an easily-legible and recognizable element to differentiate it from the parent brand.

I've also started creating templates to establish a consistent and branded look, like the new coloring sheet template and the Moshi craft videos I edit and animate. The Instagram highlight explainer video I created explains how Moshi for Educators is used.

03. The Result

This rebrand is in progress right now, so stay tuned for results!

Work in progress - more content coming soon!

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